Friday, September 08, 2006

Lucrare de control

Cunoscatorii de limba engleza sunt rugati sa construiasca propozitii care sa aiba sens cu urmatoarele cuvinte: diggity, odd-toed, funnel, ungulate, snout, preposterous, incongruous, inviting ridicule, bête noire, brockie , ancilla, cnidophobe, mattoid , misodoctakleidist , phaneromaniac , sinistral , Ucalegon , xanthoderm , Septentrional.
Ca de obicei, Gogu Kaizer asteapta raspunsurile voastre pe adresa redactiei:


  1. Sunt prea multe cuvinte , iar eu sunt la munca , nu prea pot sa stau acum sa ma gandesc.

    The company funneled all its income in salaries.
    Gogu Kaizer's blog is preposterous.
    Gogu Kaizer's behavior towards his spouse is incongruous.
    Have your ancilla bring me a glass of your finest wine.
    Had Steve Irwin been a cnidophobe,he wouldn't have died by the sting of a catfish.
    Hence his referring to himself at the third person , Gogu Kaizer can be considered a mattoid.

    Ajunge pentru moment , nu mai am timp.

  2. Gogu Kaizer are o intrebare: unde lucreaza Spargatorul?

  3. Culmea ironiei : Spargatorul lucreaza la Banca Comerciala HVB-Tiriac , Sucursala Izvor.

  4. Spargatorul isi cunoaste tinta inainte de a actiona... Bun.

  5. Stii cum se spune.Tine-ti prietenii aproape si dusmanii si mai aproape.Este necesar sa stiu cu cine am de-a face inainte de a actiona.

    Sa speram ca nu-si rade mustata tataie Tiriac de nervi.

  6. The horse is an ungulate mammal.
    The pig,having dug deep with his snout,uncovered what seems to be the body of the late Jimmy Hoffa.
    Had Mozart been a misodoctakleidist,our world would have been stripped of some its most precious plays.
    People who can't stop biting their finger-nails or picking their nose are called phaneromaniacs.
    I could always recognize his sinistral handwriting.
    Gogu Kaizer will soon become an Ucalegon if he doesn't stop asking these stupid questions.

    Pentru restul de propozitii ,
    Ma mir ca nu m-am prins pana acum.

  7. ...zise Bamse, cu un IQ egal cu numarul total de litere folosite in propozitia sa...


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