O descoperire recenta a cutremurat comunitatea stiintifica din SUA. Oamenii de specialitate au ajuns la concluzia ca Einstein n-avea habar despre nimic din ce a scris. Toate inovatiile sale erau de fapt mesaje primite de la cainele sau, Moga [un Rough Collie, la fel ca Lassie]. Se pare ca Moga vorbea noaptea cu Einstein si ii spunea tot ce Einstein pretindea apoi ca ar fi descoperit el.
Discutia era ceva de genul:
Moga: "Woof, woof!"
Einstein: "What's that, Moga? You say that every description of the scene of an event or of the position of an object in space is based on the specification of the point on a rigid body (body of reference) with which that event or object coincides? And this applies not only to scientific description, but also to everyday life? And if I analyze the place specification “Trafalgar Square, London,” I arrive at the following result: the earth is the rigid body to which the specification of place refers; “Trafalgar Square, London” is a well-defined point, to which a name has been assigned, and with which the event coincides in space? Is this what you are saying?
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